Director of Admissions
Denise DeLaCerda
Assistant Director of Admissions/MSHS Secretary
Tinisha Dawson
New Student Enrollment
Required Information:
Completed Application for Admission.
Copy of Birth Certificate
Copy of Parent/Guardian Photo Identification
Copy of current Health/Immunization Record
Copy of Social Security Card
Previous school records (last completed year report card, most recent report card of current year, high school transcript)
Standardized test scores (LEAP, PARCC, IOWA, EOCT, Pre-ACT, ACT, etc.)
Diagnostic testing for special education, psychological/psychiatric evaluations, etc., if applicable (IAP/504, IEP, etc.)
Discipline and Attendance Reports
2. After Application for Admission and all required paperwork is turned in, a Placement Test will be scheduled for all new students. An interview with parent and student or further testing may be scheduled if requested by the Principal or School Counselor.
3. After student has tested and is approved for admission, parent will go to the Admissions Office at the Middle/High School to complete enrollment. Student is considered enrolled after an Enrollment Contract is signed, a $200 non-refundable deposit is paid, tuition payment arrangements are made, and all enrollment forms are completed. The signed contract is a legally binding agreement.
All credit/debit card payments will be assessed a 3.95% processing fee
Returning Student Enrollment
Parents must re-enroll students every year. Re-enrollment usually begins around the end of January and parents will be informed of the re-enrollment start date each year. We offer the option to re-enroll using our on-line process. That information will be emailed to parents once the enrollment process begins. To re-enroll in person, you will go to the Admissions Office at the Middle/High School where you will:
Verify and update current student information
Sign Enrollment Contract
Choose from 3 payment options (these are the only options available):
1 Payment (Pay in full by August 1st)
2 Payments (Pay ½ tuition & fees by August 1st and ½ tuition & fees by December 15th)
Monthly payments through Blackbaud Tuition Management - Monthly payments are paid automatically through a debit/credit card, checking, or savings account on the 5th or 20th of each month. The number of monthly drafts available to choose from will be determined at the time of enrollment, and options will depend on when the enrollment contract is signed and what withdrawal date is chosen. Account information will need to be provided at time of re-enrollment.
Pay $200 deposit for each child. This deposit is non-refundable and will be applied toward the school fees.
Fill out and sign required re-enrollment paperwork.
Please keep in mind that students will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and classes will close as they fill up. Students will be considered officially enrolled only after all paperwork is completed and the deposit is paid.
The Admissions Office is located at the middle/high school campus at 7425 Broadacres Road, Shreveport, LA 71129, and is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
SUMMER HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
All credit/debit card payments will be assessed a 3.95% processing fee
shadow day
Give your child the chance to immerse themselves in our school environment by spending a day with us. They'll have the opportunity to participate in chapel, attend classes, meet fellow students, and experience our vibrant community firsthand.
For K - 6th Grade - Call the Elementary Campus at 318-687-0757
For 7th - 12 Grade - Schedule a shadow day by clicking the following: Shadow Day Sign-Up
ATTENTION ALL EVANGEL CHRISTIAN ACADEMY GRADUATES - When you enroll your student(s) at ECA, you will receive 50% off each of your student’s tuition (does not include fees).
This discount cannot be combined with tuition incentives, discounts, or assistance.
2025-2026 Tuition
Kindergarten $4,900
1st - 6th Grade $5,450
7th - 12th Grade $5,900
1st - 6th Grade $5,450
7th - 12th Grade $5,900
$300 Annual Fundraiser Fee
$800 School Fees include:
Academic $150
Administrative $50
Safety/Security $400
Technology $100
Yearbook $100
Kindergarten $6,000
1st - 6th Grade $6,550
7th - 12th Grade $7,000
Additional Fees: (Parents will be notified during the school year when these fees are due.)
Elementary Activity -$15
K5 Graduation -$35
6th grade Graduation -$40
Jr. Fee - $20
12th grade Graduation -$100
Sr. Homecoming -$200
Sr. Early Graduation -$1,000 (this fee is in addition to fees and 1st semester tuition, is only for seniors graduating at mid-term, and must be approved by the High School Principal before enrolling for senior school year.)
Other Expenses Not Included In Tuition:
Before/after care through Evangel Learning Center for elementary-aged students.
Extracurricular activities (sports, band, spirit groups, field trips, etc.)
School lunches
School supplies
School uniforms (Shreveport Gymnastics)
School pictures (optional)
Tuition Incentives
Evangel Learning Center: $150 discount off of K5 tuition for students currently enrolled in the ELC K4 program.
Friend of the Family: $500 off one of your student’s tuition if you refer a friend who is not currently enrolled at Evangel, and if, your friend officially enrolls.
Prompt Pay: $200 off each student's tuition for paying full tuition and fees by August 20, 2025.
SCC Active Giving: $250 off of one of your student’s tuition if you are an active giving member of Shreveport Community Church.
Tuition discounts
A 10% tuition discount per student for families with multiple children.
A 10% tuition discount per student for families of military, fire, or police personnel.
Note: There is a maximum discount combination of 15% per student if a family qualifies for more than 1 discount. Some limitations and restrictions may apply. Tuition incentives and discounts cannot be combined with tuition assistance. Tuition incentives and discounts are not applicable to ECA faculty and staff. Contact ECA Admissions for full details.
payment options
FULL PAYMENT: Pay full tuition and fees by August 1st
SEMESTER PAYMENTS: Two semester payments payable 1/2 tuition & fees by August 1st and 1/2 tuition & fees by December 15th.
MONTHLY PAYMENTS: Monthly payments are made through Blackbaud Tuition Management by automatic withdrawal from debit/credit card, checking, or savings account on the 5th or 20th of each month. The number of monthly drafts available to choose from will be determined at the time of enrollment, and options will depend on when the enrollment contract is signed and what withdrawal date is chosen. Account information will need to be provided at the time of enrollment.
All credit/debit card payments will be assessed a 3.95% processing fee
Tuition donation credits/Scholarships & Tuition assistance
Evangel Christian Academy (ECA) has an application process for tuition assistance that we believe offers fair and impartial consideration in awarding tuition assistance. It should be noted that Evangel does not give athletic scholarships or award tuition assistance based on athletics. Tuition assistance is based upon financial need.
New families to Evangel requesting assistance must apply initially through the Tuition Donation Credit Program:
ARETE - - Opens February 25th
ACE - - Opens February 3rd
For more information about LA GATOR Scholarships: - Opens March 1st
Families requesting assistance who do not qualify for ACE or ARETE and returning families requesting tuition assistance – no exceptions – is required to apply for assistance each year through Blackbaud Financial Aid Management. After completing the online application, you must provide required supporting documents to Blackbaud. The required documents are listed on Blackbaud’s website before re-enrolling or enrolling a student at Evangel.
Blackbaud will do a financial assessment and send ECA a report which will be used to determine the amount of assistance, if any, that will be awarded to a family for the upcoming school year. The assistance awarded will apply to the upcoming school year only. The ECA Admissions Director will communicate the tuition assistance awarded to you through a letter sent by email. Upon receiving the award letter, you will go to the Admissions Office where you will fill out the required paperwork to enroll/re-enroll your student(s).
Be advised that if you do not file for tuition assistance with Blackbaud Financial Aid Management before you enroll/re-enroll your student, you will not receive tuition assistance and will be expected to pay full tuition. ECA requires that all families pay some part of their child’s tuition. ECA has the ability to revoke tuition assistance at any time during the school year if your student does not follow the guidelines set forth in the ECA School Handbook.
The deadline for returning families to apply for tuition assistance with Blackbaud is April 15, 2025.
Evangel Christian Academy school system re-affirms its non-discriminatory policy on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in its educational programs, activities, and employment policies in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, and Sections 4.03 (a) and 4.03 (c) Revenue Procedure 75-50. All students, faculty members, and staff, without exception, are admitted to all rights, privileges, and activities generally accorded or made available at the schools which do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national, and ethnic origin in the administration of its employment policies, admission policies, tuition assistance, and athletic and other school-administered programs.